
Every king was once a crying baby, and Every building was once a map.. It’s not important who You are today, Most important thing is WHERE U’ll reach tomorow, And Never b proud of what position u hold, Because after a game of chess, The king and the soldiers go into the same BOX.

In my views this really is the key to success.Humbleness helps a lot in achieving our aims and goals ..I have noticed that we become arrogant just because of  our past achivements without thinking of our present our future. we leave the hardwork we had done to get that aim and starts thinking that we will get our goals without the dedication and burning the midnight…

I guess its my story too.. I hope that I will work hard for the future as atleast i have a feeling that i am not doing my best..Please do help me it encourages me a lot…and give me feedback so that I can know which kinds of posts my readers like 🙂

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just do it!!

IF YOU born poor,it is not your mistake, but if you die poor,it will your mistake.
Born with personality is an accident,but dying in personality is an achievement.
Your birth may be normal,but your death should be history.
Like all,trust few.
Follow none,but learn from every one.
Practice like DEVIL and play like an ANGEL.
DO or DIE is an old concept
“D0 IT BEFORE DEATH” is a new concept…!!

